November 9, 2023
I had the privilege of photographing the artists' performances at the Quebec burlesque evening. The event took place at the Espace Saint Grégoire, formerly the Saint-Grégoire de Montmorency Church. The place is spectacular, it was magical. A fiery team to masterfully lead this beautiful evening. The only problem for me was the lighting of the stage, despite everything I managed to take out a few photos, I hope you will enjoy the gallery.
February 1, 2023
Several models participated in this collective under the boudoir theme, here are the results for Laurie-Anne I had the pleasure of shooting with Laurie-Anne 10 years ago, here she is back today
I’ve owned my mustang for several years now, without ever having taken pictures with it. Don’t ask me why, I don’t have an answer. So the idea takes place and I decide to take action. What could be better than a pretty model to show off my mustang. Latinsant was a great discovery for me and an amazing role model to work with.
A beautiful day, a beautiful model, what better way to take a photoshoot, Inspiration Come easily and the results are there. Christine is an experienced model which makes it easy for us. I had the pleasure of shooting with her in the pass, and I am very happy to do it again and I promise you there will be more See You soon
November 15, 2020
A DIFFERENT AUTUMN ... Thinking outside the box, trying new treatments and taking risks, that's also artistic photography. In fact, the treatment I apply to these images is not entirely new ... I often experience it with my own personal touch. Why in the fall? Because I find the fall colors particularly suitable for this type of image. My model Nancy did a remarkable job in this photo shoot, You will find pictures taken recently in a small park in Montreal Hope you will like it Thank you
Inspiré du personnage de Pierrot dont les origines remontent aux troupes de théâtre italiennes de la fin du XVIIe siècle,j’ai à ma façon voulu redessiner son histoire. Naîf et considéré comme un fou, Pierrot était éperdument amoureux de Colombina,la blanchisseuse du village. Quand celle-ci lui brise le cœur et le quitte pour Harlequin,Pierrot sombre dans une grande tristesse. Tandis que dans mon histoire,je lui permets de renouer avec l’amour et de se marier avec la belle Lady Pierrot. Voici Pierrot The Wedding Je donne une toute autre allure au personnage en lui faisant vivre des aventures de tous genres, à ma façon bien sûr. Vous aurez l’occasion de retrouver Pierrot et ses amis interprétant des scènes de la vie moderne tout en imitant des personnages de la culture populaire. ​ Merci de suivre les aventures de Pierrot.
Mise à part sa beauté, détermination et sa persévérance font de Mélanie une Modèle hors pair.
May 15, 2017
En 1998, Johanne s’est démarquée en remportant la finale dans la catégorie interprète du Festival international de la chanson de Granby. Beaucoup d’eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis cette grande victoire. Aujourd’hui, elle peut dire mission accomplie, car elle a eu la chance de faire trois performances mémorables, lors de son aventure à La Voix. Rencontre avec une artiste qui souhaite rester dans le cœur des gens...
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    Marc Young
    Hey, thanks for stopping by. My name's Marc young and I'm a Art Director & Photographer based in Montreal,Canada.
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